Thursday, June 26, 2008

4th Issue

San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


By Galguera, Neitzke, Rosa, Salas and Fernández


By Niccolini, Romero, Mora, Testoni, Casal and Alegre.

By Almeida, Batana, Negri and Ruggeri


By Nazarena Alegre.



By Salomón, Barbella, Carballo, Cerminaro, Federico, Ninín and Rosa


By Rodríguez, Batana, Ruggeri and Negri


By Alegre and Mora



After debating a lot, on Tuesday 24th, we, 2nd Polimodal students, signed the reservation for our trip with the company Travel Rock. The trip will be approximately on September 15th, 2009.

On Friday 6th, we are going to sign the final contract and then we are going to begin paying the trip of our dreams.



Last Friday there was a debate about poverty, so Fernando Casal interviewed Nazarena Alegre, one students who was there.

FC: What was the debate about?

NA: It was about poverty.

FC: Would you help the poor?

NA: Yes, but everybody must help.

FC: How do you help them?

NA: Giving them food, clothes, education.

FC: And do you think that is the solution?

NA: No, it isn’t. The government must take care of all of us.

FC: What was the conclusion?

NA: There wasn’t a conclusion, we only gave our opinion.



The tournament was carried out by the schools of the west area of Buenos Aires. San Antonio school played this tournament but they could not arrive to the finals because they lost. The same, the teacher Miguel congratulated their effort.

Emiliano Negri said, "I was in the two games and I went very happy to my house because we left everything in the court to win. It hurts we were not able to."



This week students from different schools from Merlo participted in athletics’ tournaments. Nazarena Alegre interviewed one of the students, Virginia Dabrowski, who participated in the tournament.

NA: What sport did you play?

VD: I ran. Velocity.

NA: How were you?

VD: Excellent. I got the first place.

NA: How many students participated?

VD: Five.

NA: Were you nervous?

VD: Yes, I was very nervous.

NA: Are you going to participated again?

VD: Of course. If I won, I will participated again.



In this issue we interviewed people from our school. The intention was to get to know their personalities and life.


Dany Ábalos tells us that he is the godfather of a school in Cucuyu. Where some friars and students from our school will go to help.

Daniel: The idea arrived from something that the friars were thinking about; that all the schools belonging to Saint Francis brotherhood acted as godfathers to some other schools.

Interviewer: Where is Cucuyu?

Daniel: It is in San Antonio de Giles. In a little village in the place.

Interviewer: What do people in Cucuyu do?

Daniel: They live on agriculture, but the most important economic source is the brick making in the village factory.

Interviewer: Do women and children work too?

Daniel: Yes, they do. Very little children work there.

Interviewer: Will friars from our brotherhood participate?

Daniel: If they have time, they will. The idea is that the friars get involved in the experience.

Interviewer: How long will you be there?

Daniel: Two days. Friday eighteenth of July and Saturday nineteenth.

Interviewer: Where will they sleep?

Daniel: In a place next to the chapel or in sleeping bags in the chapel.

Interviewer: How much will you pay to travel?

Daniel: More or less fifty pesos.

Interviewer: How will you get the money?

Daniel: We will start different activities to obtain the money, so that all those who want to participate in the experience would be able to.

Interviewer: Thank you for your attention

Daniel: You’re welcome.


  1. Why do you choose this profession?

Because I really like the teaching

  1. When did you start as a preceptor?

In October 1989. I was 20 years old.

  1. How many schools do you work at?

Only at this one.

  1. Do you have another activity? Which one?

Yes, I love artistic painting.

  1. Where do you do this activity?

In my house.


  1. Why do you choose this profession?

Because I like this since I was young.

  1. When did you start as a Catechism teacher?

I was 16 years old. I was leader in a vacation camp.

  1. How many schools do you work at?

Now I work in 3 schools, but I’ve worked in more than 20 schools.

  1. Do you have another activity? Which one?

Yes, the 3rd Franciscan Orden.

  1. Where do you do like this activity?

In Padua’s Church.



There was a poll to choose the picture for the blog, and the winner was picture number 3. So Nazarena Alegre interviewed Melina Mora, one of the student who sent the picture that won.

NA: Which picture did you vote?

MM: Number 3.

NA: Why did you choose number 3?

MM: Because it was the one I sent.

NA: Why didn’t you like the others?

MM: Because they were not interesting for me.

NA: Are you happy with the results of the poll?

MM: Yes, I wanted number 3 to win.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

3rd Issue

San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


By Nazarena Alegre


By Niccolini, Romero, Testoni, Mora and Alegre.

Two articles about the English class case:


By Nazarena Alegre


By Rodriguez, Beneyte and Amorin


By Rodriguez, Beneyte and Amorin

About our online magazine:


By Agüero M., Agüero C., Carballo, Núñez, and Pardo



In the computing classes, we were using the Internet to study. Two weeks ago, we heard that we didn’t have Internet anymore to work and practice in class. All the students were very angry and complained about this.

Lucas, one student, said, “Our parents pay a very expensive fee for computing classes. It’s not fair if we can’t use Internet anymore.”

Melina, one girl, said, “We don’t want to go to a cyber and pay to study there”.



On Friday 22 May, the teacher of English, Blas Bigatti, tested us because a group of students were speaking a lot.

The teacher was very angry because those students didn’t pay attention to him so he decided to evaluate us. So the students got very angry and didn’t want to do the test. The other students tried to do the test but it was difficult for them. They didn’t study for the test and were nervous.

Some students are upset because they feel they are going to fail the test. Nazarena, one student, said, “I think it’s unfair to evaluate all the group because some of us were listening to the teacher and paying attention to him”.


Two articles on the English class case:


On May 30 the English teacher arrived to the classroom. When he was sitting like every Friday, he saw a nail on the chair. After that, he got angry and asked one of the students to call the headmaster.

The headmaster said, “Who did this? I’m sure that you know something. If don’t talk, you will have serious problems.”

The teacher said, “If the responsible doesn’t talk, the whole class will be punished.” All the students said, “It is not fair.” But nobody talked. We will know the consequences next class.


Last Friday, when we were beginning the English class at school, the teacher wanted to sit down and saw a nail on his chair. Blas asked “Who was it?” and nobody answered. Then he called the tutor. She talked to everybody about this and as nobody was responsible she decided to punish all the class. Students disagreed with this.

Now there are comments that a girl of second was, but she denies this.
Today, five days later nothing has changed.



In San Antonio School, the students from 2nd Sociales are very popular because of their bad behavior. The teachers complain constantly because students don’t pay attention and are very noisy.

Students spoke many times with the teachers to solve the problem, but that didn’t result.
The principal was so tired that he decided to punish everybody. Students thought that the disturbances weren’t so important to receive that punishment so they disagreed with the principal. They decided to speak to him but nothing changed.

Today Camila Rodriguez said that the principal comes to talk about problems but he never congratulates us for good behaviour. Martin Beneyte thinks, “It is ok the principal can talk to us when we make problems."


About our online magazine:


The students of San Antonio School created a newspaper with the English teacher. They called it “Apple News”. The objetive is that students write articles for the newspaper.

This project will give students the opportunity to raise grades. Also they will have to do homework. Macarena said, “More homework!”
